I'm just back from a short beach vacation, so I'm not sure if this is a prodigal's return or a fool to his follow (after growing up in the evangelical church, I just can't exorcise the scriptural phrases). I'm trying to sort out everything that's happened in my absence, so I'm still feeling a bit scattered. Thus, for your delectation, a few choice morsels from the interwebs (and may I suggest, while I'm about it, dropping by StumbleUpon as an outlet for your "feed me something random" needs):
First (if you can get past the frightening ads for teeth--maybe teeth whitening?--at the top), Bartleby has the Cambridge History of English and American Literature up. Along with its usual amazing resources.
Next, let me suggest an essay over on Bookslut that takes up Emerson's ideas about writing, especially creative writing and the importance of reading.
Lastly, I will point you toward an educational resource: Scribbling Women.
Now go. Unscrew the locks from your doors. Unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs.
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